PRP For Hair Loss in Falls Church, VA

prp for hair loss

When it comes to cosmetic dermatology, there is a fear of being in a worse state after treatment than how you started. These days though, more and more alternative procedures are being developed with the elimination of that fear as the priority in mind. One of these procedures is called Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP. PRP is a procedure where you extract your own platelets from your blood and modify them to make them “platelet-rich” before injecting them back into the area you want to treat. Keep reading to learn about PRP For Hair Loss in Falls Church, VA

How Does PRP Work?

Platelets are your blood’s main way of healing. Platelets carry proteins called growth factors. These growth factors are essential to the healing process. These growth factor-filled platelets make hair growth and skin rejuvenation possible. Platelets can assist in healing all the parts of the body, such as hair rejuvenation. Injecting the platelets into the scalp results in natural hair growth happening, with the hair shaft being thicker as well.  The possibilities with PRP are endless.

How Long Do PRP Injections Last?

Blood extraction and the injection of PRP may take up to 30 minutes or more. Each PRP treatment usually requires 3 sessions within 4-6 weeks of each other. Full effects will be noticeable 4-6 months after the treatment. Since the procedure is minimally invasive, it requires little to no downtime, and people who have undergone PRP treatment can resume their daily activities after. The effects of PRP are not permanent but effects can last up to 18 months on average with a maximum of two years as the longest reported effect. However, touch-up treatments are recommended once a year. 

If you’re ready to try PRP and start getting your hair and skin looking young and healthy again, contact Dontage and schedule your consultation today!