CoolSculpting Versus Cryoskin: Which is Better?

CoolSculpting Versus Cryoskin: Which is Better?

Over the last few years, cryotherapy treatments have continued to grow in popularity. If you’re struggling with stubborn areas of fat that haven’t gone away with diet or exercise, you may have researched procedures to get rid of unwanted fat for good.

When it comes to CoolSculpting versus Cryoskin, which is better? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that reduces fat in targeted areas. It uses a process known as cryolipolysis, which involves extremely cold temperatures to freeze and kill fat cells permanently. CoolSculpting can be used on various parts of the body, including:

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Back
  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Under the buttocks

On average, patients can expect 20% to 80% fat reduction in the treatment area, with visible results appearing within three weeks after the procedure.

What Is Cryoskin?

Cryoskin also eliminates fat cells through cryolipolysis. The treatment is painless and non-invasive and is highly effective when used on the stomach, thighs, back, and arms.

Most patients require three to five treatments to achieve optimal results, with treatments spaced out in two week intervals to allow for fat cells to completely flush out of the body.

CoolSculpting Versus Cryoskin: Which is Better?

It really depends! There’s no single answer that works for everyone. Both CoolSculpting and Cryoskin offer very similar results, and both are highly effective. The biggest differences between the two treatments are cost and treatment time.

Typically, Cryoskin comes out ahead because:

  • Cryoskin treatments are much shorter, lasting up to 30 minutes while CoolSculpting can take hours.
  • CoolSculpting is more expensive, with prices ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. On the other hand, Cryoskin costs just under $1,000 per session on average.
  • Another benefit of Cryoskin is that it can help eliminate cellulite.

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat With Top Non-Surgical Treatments From Dontage

No matter which treatment option you choose when asking, “CoolSculpting versus Cryoskin, which is better,” you can get rid of stubborn fat cells for good!

Choose the best provider to be sure you achieve the results you desire and create the slim figure you’ve always wanted. Call our office today at 703-436-1157 to schedule an appointment!