Age Spot Removal Treatments in Falls Church, Virginia: Your Top 3 Options

Age Spot Removal

While true age spots (sometimes called liver spots) are not considered dangerous, they can be unsightly.

If you’re bothered by them, you can certainly find a solution with the best age spot removal treatments in Falls Church, Virginia! BBL is one such option, and you have others. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Causes Age Spots?

Age spots are flat, tan, brown, or black spots that typically appear on the skin as people get older. Their primary cause is long-term exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. They can also be a result of certain medications, hormonal changes, and genetic factors. 

What Are the Best Treatments for Age Spots?

Fortunately, you have choices when it comes to age spot removal treatments in Falls Church, Virginia! Here are the top options: 

  • Chemical peels: A procedure that can be done at varying depths depending on your needs, a chemical peel refreshes your skin by causing the elimination of dead skin cells. During the healing process, new skin forms that reduces the appearance of age spots. 
  • BBL (broadband light): Safe for all areas of your body, BBL stimulates the production of collagen and alters skin cells on a molecular level. Not only is this one of the treatments to eliminate age spots but also sun damage, freckles, and birthmarks. 
  • Laser therapy: A popular choice, laser therapy can be done with less heat and tissue damage. Instead, highly targeted energy and pressure are used to produce collagen and elastin. It’s a great choice for age spots, fine lines / wrinkles, and discoloration. 

There may be certain criteria you need to meet in order to qualify for certain treatments. As a general rule, as long as you are healthy without any conditions that might make a procedure unsafe, you should be a good candidate for any of the above. 

Choose Dontage for the Best Age Spot Removal Treatments in Falls Church, Virginia!

If you have unwanted age spots, it’s time to book an appointment with one of our specialists. Call us at 703-436-1157, and let’s have a conversation about a treatment plan personalized to meet your unique needs!